Sunday, September 16, 2012

Religious Toleration

Well as I sit here on this Sunday, watching cartoons with Eva, I thought I would spend this time doing something productive. Being a blogger, or rather trying to be, I try to stay up on the latest relevant news and unless you have been living under a rock for the past week you cannot help but know that there is some terrible stuff happening all over the world right now. I posted about the Egyptian protests and would have covered everything that was going on in Libya but thought that you would have enough information from everyone else, but you can see that on my Facebook Page. I also just plain didn't have the time.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Egyptian protesters tear down US Flag and burn it on anniversary of 9/11

This just in. Will update when more information is known.


USA Today says that CNN reported that U.S. Security guards, probably U.S. Marines fired warning shots today shortly after 2 pm EST. Of the 2000 protesters that are outside of the walls Reuters is saying that only 20 have climbed the walls. If you watch the video it looks to me as if more than twenty have shimmied up there.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Children, Mead, and Good Times

I have recently started brewing kombucha tea. If you don't know what it is head over to Cultures for Health and educate yourself. Once I know that I have a successful batch I will put up a post about it. This attempt has also refueled this need that I have always felt to brew some good homemade adult beverages. 

The first thing that I wanted to brew at home was mead. Yes, you did read that correctly. I hadn't actually tasted mead until this past Saturday and that was my main reason for not even attempting to make it. I just couldn't justify spending the money on the equipment, which isn't actually all that expensive, or the ingredients, which kind of is. 

Monday, August 27, 2012

Summer's End

Eva sure is enjoying that watermelon
Delicious watermelon!
Today has been pretty uneventful. This is the end to a big summer for me. We have left Virginia after being there less than a 1 1/2 years, to move up to Ohio. We have only one connection here and that is our friends Klahzia and Robert, no family, no other friends. I got a new job, in a office nonetheless, that I actually kind of like. Cari is working, Eva is in a new school where she is being exposed to a whole new culture.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Supplying Afghanistan with the Best

Everything that we are doing overseas to help rebuild the war-torn country of Afghanistan is in vain if we don’t understand that we need to train the local army so they can defend their own country. There are many ways that we could be helping the country, but the cheapest, most effective, and easiest is by placing better quality service-members into the units that train the foreign militaries. Wouldn’t it make sense that if we want our family, friends, brothers and sons, out of harm’s way, we do it as effectively as we can? We need to give Afghanistan our best so that our best can come home.


beautiful back piece tattoo
Beautiful back piece by Den Yakovlev
 from Negative Karma
Hello out there. Today I do not have an exact topic to talk about so I am going to fall back on one that is near and dear to me. Tattoos. Those of you who know me well also know that I have several tattoos and that they are all nicely done and tasteful. I got everyone of my tattoos while on Active Duty with the Marines AND I stayed within regulations for them all.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Why men have no say about abortion.

Okay, I just have to say that Todd Akin has to be one of the most ignorant people in politics today. There now that I got that out of the way let me get into why.

This man is trying to say that a woman should not not be allowed to have an abortion due to rape because if it is a legitimate rape her body will not even let a fetus be formed. Go back and read that line again, I'll wait. Okay, what the hell is he smoking?