Monday, August 20, 2012

Why men have no say about abortion.

Okay, I just have to say that Todd Akin has to be one of the most ignorant people in politics today. There now that I got that out of the way let me get into why.

This man is trying to say that a woman should not not be allowed to have an abortion due to rape because if it is a legitimate rape her body will not even let a fetus be formed. Go back and read that line again, I'll wait. Okay, what the hell is he smoking?

Abortion is one thing that I can honestly say I do not think I have a right to voice my opinion about, and I am a father. My daughter, Eva, is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me and I wouldn't give her up for all of the Guinness in the world, I really wouldn't. With that being said, it wasn't my body that had to go through the pregnancy. In case you are a young single man out there, or even a sad lonely old man, and have not been around to witness a pregnancy first hand, it isn't easy or pretty. If a woman decides that for whatever reason she feels it necessary to get an abortion, you can bet that she has a good reason and I won't go into all of the reasons that she could have; I just want to talk about rape.

I am sure that a victim of rape is mortified. Not only has she been assaulted on the physical level, but can you imagine the emotional trauma that she is going through? Now let us think about the fact that maybe this woman has a medical condition that prevents her from safely having a baby. Let's say that she has a choice of living with both the memory of the rape, the memory of the abortion, and all of the emotions that go along with that. On the other hand she could not have the abortion, go through with the birth, if her medical condition allows it to go that far, and not live at all.

Would you live or die?

Doesn't matter because unless you have a set of ovaries you shouldn't even have a say in legislative outcome of abortion. That is right guys, I am a firm believer that if you have a set of balls you should have absolutely no say in whether or not a woman has the right to have an abortion or not. I am not saying that I am all for abortion, what I am saying is that I am pro-choice.

I was driving down the road the other day and seen three women picketing in front of the Planned Parenthood building. Did you know that Planned Parenthood does more than abortions. Yes, it is true. They offer pregnancy tests, STD check-ups, AIDS testing, birth control, , help with breast cancer, and many other things. How hypocritical is it for someone to wear a bunch of pink, change their Facebook to the pink profile, all in support of breast cancer research, and turn around and shun an organization like Planned Parenthood. Oh, and guys, they even go into Men's Sexual Health. I think that in the next few weeks I may even go down and see if I can do an interview with them.

I digress. On the way back home I passed by the same building and seen a man with a sign that read 'Men grieve lost fatherhood". Valid point I know, but a moot point in this argument because once again you are not the one to has to live with the choices that you will make regarding abortion. You may be around to experience it , but ultimately the woman has to live with it.

I will get off of my soapbox now that I got that off of my chance. Just do me a couple of favors.

  1. Don't rape a woman.
  2. Don't vote for idiots like Todd Akin.
  3. Do look at the bigger picture and think about women that could experience physical harm from a pregnancy.
  4. Do practice safe sex.
  5. Do tell all your friends about my blog.
So long folks.

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