Monday, August 27, 2012

Summer's End

Eva sure is enjoying that watermelon
Delicious watermelon!
Today has been pretty uneventful. This is the end to a big summer for me. We have left Virginia after being there less than a 1 1/2 years, to move up to Ohio. We have only one connection here and that is our friends Klahzia and Robert, no family, no other friends. I got a new job, in a office nonetheless, that I actually kind of like. Cari is working, Eva is in a new school where she is being exposed to a whole new culture.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Supplying Afghanistan with the Best

Everything that we are doing overseas to help rebuild the war-torn country of Afghanistan is in vain if we don’t understand that we need to train the local army so they can defend their own country. There are many ways that we could be helping the country, but the cheapest, most effective, and easiest is by placing better quality service-members into the units that train the foreign militaries. Wouldn’t it make sense that if we want our family, friends, brothers and sons, out of harm’s way, we do it as effectively as we can? We need to give Afghanistan our best so that our best can come home.


beautiful back piece tattoo
Beautiful back piece by Den Yakovlev
 from Negative Karma
Hello out there. Today I do not have an exact topic to talk about so I am going to fall back on one that is near and dear to me. Tattoos. Those of you who know me well also know that I have several tattoos and that they are all nicely done and tasteful. I got everyone of my tattoos while on Active Duty with the Marines AND I stayed within regulations for them all.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Why men have no say about abortion.

Okay, I just have to say that Todd Akin has to be one of the most ignorant people in politics today. There now that I got that out of the way let me get into why.

This man is trying to say that a woman should not not be allowed to have an abortion due to rape because if it is a legitimate rape her body will not even let a fetus be formed. Go back and read that line again, I'll wait. Okay, what the hell is he smoking?

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Why I think Ubuntu is better than Windows

I just want to go over a few things today, so this isn't going to be long. Today as I was trying to wrap up my migration from FB to Google+ I encountered a terrible message from my Ubuntu system. Without any lag at all my system informed me that I had mere megabytes left on my hard drive.

I do not have a small hard drive at all, but when I first made the move to a Linux system I decided to do a dual-boot with Wubi as I wasn't sure if I was going to enjoy the OS or not. I allocated 17GB to the Ubuntu Partition I think and never thought that I was going to fill that up. When I turn my laptop on now I cannot just hit the button and walk away for a drink, I have to be there to keep my Toshiba from booting into Windows Vista and if I miss it I just go to Windows and then restart.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Right Rights | Scott's Stuff

children with WBC picket signs“God Hates Fags!” and “Thank God for dead soldiers” are both horrible things to say in today’s world. These words should never be spoken, much less written on posters and paraded about a fallen service member’s funeral. How can a grieving family, like Matthew Shepard’s, deal with these insane protestors while at the same time weeping over the horrific murder of their son? The police should come and arrest them all, every last one.

The Topeka, Kansas based Westboro Baptist Church (WBC), was founded in 1955 by current pastor Fred Phelps and his family, and is sadly protected from most prosecution by the Bill of Rights that these same dead soldiers died to protect. Best known for picketing funerals, the group will also picket synagogues, high school graduations, school plays, and even other churches! The widely held Christian belief that god, intentionally left lowercase, loves everyone is also overturned and denied by their beliefs and actions.

Friday, August 17, 2012

How to Transfer Facebook Contacts to Google+

I have had a Google+ profile page for awhile now and have thoroughly enjoyed it. The only reason I have not used it exclusively is because the Facebook page that I have had since I first got a college email address in 2005 has all of my friends on it.

I like to get in on technology early on if I can, but most of my Facebook friends don't agree with me. I didn't bother hunting down each FB friend on G+ because I had every intention on moving all of my Google stuff to Google Apps. Once I did get Apps set up I wanted to add all of my FB friends to make it worthwhile, should be simple right?
